What is your advice on how to keep your stretched ears from getting infected?

Make sure you take your time and do things correctly while stretching your ears.  Please let us know your best advice on how you kept your ears from getting infected while stretching your ears.

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Go slow and be meticulous with cleaning your jewelry and your piercing. I’m an avid user of pure sea salt solutions. I wash my piercings and gauges with a non scented bacterial soap then spray the area and gauges with sea salt solution. I never put my plugs or hangers in without using either a non scented facial lotion in or jojoba oil. The key is keeping the area clean and moisturized.

Christina Simmons

Go slow and be meticulous with cleaning your jewelry and your piercing. I’m an avid user of pure sea salt solutions. I wash my piercings and gauges with a non scented bacterial soap then spray the area and gauges with sea salt solution. I never put my plugs or hangers in without using either a non scented facial lotion in or jojoba oil. The key is keeping the area clean and moisturized.

Christina Simmons

Alwaysssss keep them clean, and ‘Holy Butter’ a salve saved my ears! Keep clean and moisturized!


Dial soap and bactine everyday until fully healed :)


Keep them clean

Chris Doan

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