Do you ever feel judged for having stretched ear?

I used to feel this but eventually got over it.  No need to hear my story we want to hear yours.

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No not at all really they are becoming more popular

Calvin childers

I work in the Mental Health field where it is still considered a taboo. My boss is understanding of my piercings and tattoos but the head hanchos at times still look at me like wow you work here. So although it’s being accepted more, I’m still slightly judged.


Most definitely been judged by having my ears stretched to the point where some family members would be embarrassed or ashamed about it. Which really got to me because I felt as if I wasn’t accepted by my own family, but later on I realized that it shouldn’t get to me and just accept the fact that people have their own opinions and you should be happy with just being yourself.


A lot of older generations do not understand the new trending style. They do not understand what it represents or the purpose of it. I think it is beautiful and I love the gauges. A lot of rude comments and jokes are made. A lot of people tell my husband he should have never done that to his ears, but people will always have something negative to say about anything.

Miranda Spurr

I definitely would say that I’ve gotten weird looks and disapproving words from a good few people, even a few family members. I’ve been told that I’ve ruined my future because of it and that I won’t be able to hold a job, let alone get one. Judgement is real, but you should do whatever you want to express yourself, and I’ve seen plenty of body modifications that have been looked down upon even though the people looks amazing with them! Do what you wish to do to express yourself!


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