Do you prefer plugs, hangers, tunnels, tapers, or weights?

Do you prefer plugs, hangers, tunnels, tapers, or weights?

Some people like plugs and some enjoy hangers.  A lot of people love them all.  Which type is your favorite and why?
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Plugs or tunnels


I prefer hangers!! Sometimes I miss regular earrings so they hangers I have let me ‘revisit’ my old self lol. Plus they’re soooooooo cute! I get compliments all the time! Thanks so much!


I love double spiral tapers. Often I will add feathers to them to spice up the look.


I like hangers to switch it up every so often ( my mystic leaves pair always get a ton of compliments ) but my usual is plugs. Simple, but still very pretty, and different from traditional earrings


I sleep in silicone tunnels but i love hangers

Mia Cooley

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