50 Basic Tips about stretching your ears
We asked our customers to give us a quick basic statement regarding anything to do about stretching your ears. Below is a list of some of these statements.
Ear stretching requires patience and dedication, as some people can take months or years to stretch to a certain size.
Ear stretching is not a one-time procedure but a process that must be done over time in increments to ensure safety.
There are various techniques used to stretch ears, such as “taping” or using tapers, choose a safe way.
Ear stretching must be done gradually using smaller gauge plugs or tapers to work your way up.
Bleeding is normal when stretching the ears, but it should never be painful.
You should use jojoba oil to help the skin on the ears heal after stretching.
You should not attempt to rush the process or skip sizes as this can lead to tearing and injury to the stretched ears.
You should never force a larger size or use sharp objects during the stretching process.
You may have issues with double flared plugs the first time you try to put them in.
Aftercare is an important part of the stretching process as it helps to prevent infection and promotes healing of your stretched ears.
The larger you stretch, the more fragile your skin will be and the more likely it is to tear if you’re not careful.
You should never stretch your ears beyond the largest size possible for your skin type in order to avoid causing damage to your ears.
It will take time for your ears to fully heal after stretching; it’s important to give yourself some down time.
Stretching can be reversed by wearing smaller gauged plugs over time.
It is important to do research and find an experienced piercer to help you stretch your ears.
Shaped plugs should only be worn for a short amount of time.
It is possible to stretch beyond the standard gauges, but this should only be done by experienced professionals.
Before stretching, you should have a plan on what gauge you are trying to stretch your ears to.
It is important to have patience when stretching your ears, as it can take months or even years to reach the desired size.
With proper stretching techniques and time, it is possible to achieve gauges of up to 1-2 inches.
Stretching your ears comes with some risks, including soreness, irritation, infections and scarring.
It’s important to do your research and purchase quality plugs from a reputable seller.
After stretching your ears, you should seek a professional before attempting to stretch further.
Avoid swimming or being in water for at least a week after stretching to prevent infection.
Stretching should be done slowly and gradually as using too much force can cause tearing and significant pain.
To clean stretched ears, soak them in a mixture of salt water for 10 minutes a day, and then dry them thoroughly.
You should clean jewelry every time you change it, and then store it properly in a cool, dry place.
If your stretched ears are experiencing an allergic reaction or infection keep your plugs out of your ears.
You can use the taping method to slowly stretch your ears to the next size.
Us a natural oil twice a day for the first few weeks after stretching to help with proper healing.
Take your time when stretching your ears.
Stainless steel is the safest material while stretching your ears.
It is not recommended to use natural materials such as wood or bone during the initial stretching process, as there is a chance of a infection.
Do not use a young piercer in the mall who just started piercing, use a professional with a lot of experience.
A good practice is to warm your ear up by massaging it after a shower before stretching to make the process easier.
Alcohol, tea tree oil and jewelry cleaner can be used to clean plugs and tunnels before use.
It is important to use lubricant every time you put new gauges in or take it out, as this will help to make the initial process easier.
Before stretching your ears, consult with a professional or experienced body modifier for their advice.
Your ears can become sore from stretching, so it is important to give them a break every now and then.
If you experience any sharp pains during stretching your ears, you should stop and seek medical advice.
Certain activities such as contact sports should be avoided for a few days after stretching your ears.
Staying Hydrated and eating healthy while stretching to ensure the body is getting the nourishment it needs to heal.
Discontinue stretching if the ears become red or you experience undue pain or discomfort.
Lip, ear, nose and eyebrow piercings have a higher risk of infection due to the presence of bacteria and moisture.
Be aware of the potential for scarring when stretching ears; the larger the stretch, the greater the risk.
Two Feather Plugs is a great place to purchase plugs and tunnels.
Know your body as an allergy to certain metals is possible and should be taken into consideration before stretching.
Pus, discoloration or smell can indicate a infection and therefore may indicate a need to seek medical advice.
Proper aftercare and care should be taken when stretching ears, as incorrect or improper care can be damaging to the ears and surrounding areas.
Stretching your ears was first done for spiritual reasons.