gauged ears or gage earrings

Don't Call Them Gauged Ears!!!


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Are you new to the world of ear stretching?  If so, you'd better watch out.  There are a lot of A-holes in this world.  One of the biggest a-holes you will meet is the one that insists that you do not call plugs or tunnels "GAUGES".  They will explain to you how a gauge is a measurement or size used to measure your ear.  This by definition is very correct.  A "Gauged Ear" really doesn't make any sense in the English language.  Gauge refers to the size of the hole in your ear.  So for instance a 2 gauged ear refers to a 6mm hole.  

I feel that if you are new to this world of stretched ears one should welcome you with open arms.  You should be able to call them whatever you wish until you figure out the "correct" terms. Some people will continue to call them GAUGES or GAUGED EARS for the rest of their lives, and to me that is perfectly acceptable.  The truth is we all know what you are talking about.  Some people are just more rude than other people.  In fact there will be a point in your stretched ear journey where you will have the opportunity when someone calls your plugs gauges.  Will you be the one that becomes a raging hulk and correct them saying "They aren't gauges."  Or will you just be ok with the fact that someone calls them gauges?

Just to make sure you know the correct way to use the term gauge earring lets go over a few thing.  Gauges will have a lower number the smaller the ear gauge.  Typically a person will start with regular pierced ear which has a gauge of either 20 gauge or 18 gauge.  The 18 gauge hole in your ear is larger than the 20 gauge hole in your ear.  Gauged ear sizes typically go from 12 gauge up to 00 gauge.  After 00 gauge most plugs are measured in either millimeter or inches.  So the largest gauged ear is 00 gauge.  Below is a chart that is used to show the different gauge sizes that is also in millimeters. 

gauge earrings

For some, calling plugs gauged ears is like nails on a chalkboard, but please do not be discouraged.  We have all been in your shoes.  My final thought is that the world of stretched ears needs to be more understanding and politely explain these things to our new members.  This place we call earth is filled with enough A-holes. Please allow people to use the term gauge or gauged ears when talking about plugs.  

We want to welcome people who are new to the world of stretched ears and allow them a place to express their unique style.  Let everyone call them gauged ears if they want to.  Embrace a community that celebrates diversity, creativity, and self-expression.  I will be your friend even if you call the gauged ears.  If you want to contact us at Two Feather Plugs and talk about gauges email us at


What do you prefer?  Do you refer to them as plugs or gauges?  Or do you say gauged ears?  Is it that big of a deal to you?  Please tell us your story by commenting below.

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I’ve had my ears gauged for 8+ years and I’ve always called them gauges. Today is the first time I ever ran into some chick at Hot Topic who felt the need to correct me. Like seriously get off your high horse. It’s not good practice to correct your customers imo, especially when you know what I’m talking about. I’m going to continue calling them what I want.


im fairly new to the ear stretching community, i was talkimg with someone in a chat i complimented them on their gauged size he kindly told me it’s not prounced “guages” the proper term is : plugs . Now i know !! all this time i been calling mines gauges i just think it sounds better


Seriously? This is a debate? “Gauges”, “plugs”, “spaceholders”, are we going to become so elitist that we’re going to belittle people who use terms we don’t agree with? get over it…

Pete Kropotkin

I don’t think it makes someone an “A-hole” to let you know the correct way of saying something. That would be like saying someone is an “A-hole” for letting you know you’re pronouncing something wrong, or spelling something wrong. As someone else I read very eloquently put it, calling them gauges would be like calling the water you are drinking “ounces”, and yeah, that is incorrect. I’m not angry when I correct anyone, I just kindly let them know. “Hey, just so you know, that’s actually not what they’re called”. If someone is upset that you let them know the correct term, that’s their fault. There is nothing mean about letting someone know the correct terminology for something, that’s helping them.


I’ve got my lobes stretched to 1" and I still just call them earrings.


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