Stretch your ears SLOWLY
May 6, 2022 / by Alex Peace

Stretching your ears is a marathon and not a sprint. The best advice we can give you as an ear stretching community is to TAKE YOUR TIME. 90% of the issue such as ear blowouts or ear infections are due to rushing the ear stretching process. We cannot tell you enough times to SLOW DOWN.
We know that you are looking at someone with giant gauged ears, but the only way they got there was over a long period of time. If they rushed it chances are they had a lot of issues.
Our goal here at Two Feather Plugs is to get you to your ear gauge goal size in a healthy and safe way, but if you are in a rush to stretch your ears to a giant gauge chances are you are going to have a lot of issues.
Problems that occur if you rush Ear Stretching
The biggest issue that occurs when you rush to stretch your ear is a blowout. An ear blowout. This occurs when you push a plug in too quickly and your stretched ear is not ready for the next size that you are trying to stretch to. Your ear will start to try to heal itself. The quicker you move the small tears will start to create scar tissue. Scar Tissue is very difficult to stretch. The ear around your hole will be red and irritated and will almost seem to be turning inside out. For more about ear blowouts click Ear Stretching Blowouts
How long between ear stretches should I wait?
Now that you understand you should MOVE SLOWLY while stretching your ears. What is a good amount of time that you should wait to stretch your ears? The biggest thing you should remember is you can never move too slow. The slower you go the more time your stretched ears will have time to heal. If you let your ears heal properly and massage your ears you will keep scar tissue from forming.
The average amount of time to wait between ear stretches is 6-8 weeks. This will vary depending on the individual and the size you are trying to stretch. For more information about how long to wait click How long should I wait between each ear stretch?
Do not skip gauge sizes while stretching your ears
While you are stretching your ears slowly make sure you do not skip any sizes. The biggest issues we find people have is when they try to stretch from 2 gauge to 0 gauge or 0 gauge to 00 gauge. For some reason, people like to stretch from 2 gauge up to 0 gauge. This is a 2mm jump. From 14 gauge up to 2 gauge you have been stretching your ears in an increment of 1mm. The ear stretching community somhow made it a normal practice to stretch your ears from 2 gauge to 0 gauge. But quite often your ears are not ready for such a big jump. We suggest going from a 2 gauge to a 1 gauge or 6mm to 7mm.
Two Feather Plugs sells single flare plugs in the 7mm increment. Click here for our 1 Gauge single flare plugs
This same from gorin from a 0 gauge to a 00 gauge stretch. You again are stretching from a 8mm to 10mm. We suggest using a 9mm single flare plug to help your ear stretch properly and not forcing it from a 0 gauge to a 00 gauge. Here is the link for our 9mm single flare plugs