Have you ever had any issues stretching your ears?

We know stretching your ears do not always go perfectly.  Please share your story on what went wrong so others do not do the same.
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I have had issues not JUST stretching my ears, but keeping them pierced in order to stretch them! I have had my lobes pierced twelve times now, and the only time I’ve successfully kept them pierced without irritation is when I got them healed enough to start stretching! I’m thinking the metal just bothered my ears from the earrings. Can’t wait to stretch again!


Yes, I tore my right ear trying to size up. I’m in the process of getting back to where it was. It’s a little nasty, trying to keep it clean so I dont have to start over AGAIN


The only problem I had was going from 2 to 0. I waited a very long time, and still had an issue. I had to find a 1 and stretch to that first. Then after about a month a 0 was easy.


Ive had mine get infected more than a couple times. Also every time I stretch up one ear will take it a lot harder than the other and it’ll go back and forth with the ears eveytime I stretch up. Little sucky.


I only had trouble one time, really. It was when I went from 2 to 0. I didn’t wait a full month like I had been between sizes. I skipped ahead and put my taper in after just 2 weeks. My lobes got so swollen and sore it was horrible. I’m pretty sure they ripped because they leaked clear fluid regularly. I kept it super clean with sterile wound wash spray and it went down after a few days and healed after a few weeks. I did give my ears a few months rest before I went to 00, though!


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