If you were to give advice to someone just starting to stretch their ears, what would it be

I wish I had advice from others when I first started stretching my ears.  Here is the chance for you to give others some advice.
If you were to give advice to someone just starting to stretch their ears, what would it be?

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Be patient, don’t stretch too much too fast, and keep them clean!!!


I gradually, naturally stretched my ears with heavy metal horse shoes inside my hollowed out plugs. I also tried tapering which caused temp pain and irritation… Def sticking with the natural stretching… Currently at 3/4in

Megan Yeaton

Honestly go slow. Using coconut oil was the best choice for me instead of lotion


Please take your time when stretching your ears. Make sure you have everything before you start.

Carla C

Take your time, take time to allow to heal. You don’t want to have a blown ear. I’d recommend using plugs over tapers as it’s easier to blow your ear.


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