Skull Plugs, Tunnel, and Hangers

Skull plugs and tunnels available in a large amount of gauge sizes.

Skull Plugs for Stretched Ears

Skulls are extremely popular in our ear stretching community. We are also big skull lovers.  We have carved several designs of wooden skull ear plugs and ear hangers.  Our Skull hangers are extremely popular and often sell out.  We have carved these hangers out of two different woods (light and dark). So make sure you grab a pair if you see them available.  We are constantly carving wooden plugs and try to keep up with the demand, but we can only carve so fast.  We will continue to add to our stock hoping we can keep up with this demand. Keep checking our web site to see the latest skulls we carved.

Stainless Steel Skulls

We have a wide variety of skull plugs in stainless steel.  We recommend using stainless steel plugs while in the stretching process.  It is the safest materials to stretch your ears with and there are several designs to choose from in stainless steel.  We sell double flare stainless steel designs that screw off and allow you to easily get your plug in and out of your ears. One of our more popular skulls are our Golden Vampire Skulls.

Skull Ear Danglers

We have used skulls in a lot of our ear dangler designs.  These skulls dangles from a stainless steel tunnel and come in a wide variety of design.  Look extra spooky with our skull ear danglers. There are several skulls to choose from for your danglers.

What size Plugs and Tunnels do you have?

We have several size skull gauges in our skull designs.  Most our designs are made from 8 gauge all the way up to 30 millimeters.  Our increment usually go up in 1 millimeter up to 0 gauge and then made in increments of 2mm up to 30mm. One of our most popular sizes on our site are our 00 gauges. Make sure you buy a pair of 00G if you see them in stock. This size sells out the quickest.

Skull Ear Weights

We have some pretty cool skull ear weights These weights hang with a bit of weight that stretch out the bottom of your earlobe.  One of our best sellers is our Raven Skull Ear Weights.  You will love how these skulls look in your stretched ears. Yes our weights are heavy enough to stretch your ears, but also light enough to keep comfort in your stretched ears.

Why buy Skull Plugs from Two Feather?

We have been selling plugs, tunnels, and ear weights for over 10 years now and we love finding the best design for your look.  We LOVE making these skulls and no these will look perfect in your ears.  If you have any questions about our artwork we have the answers. Just send us an email.  We are happy to answer any questions you may have. If you have already made a purchase from Two Feather make sure you share a review.