What to Know Before Stretching your Ears:
June 24, 2022 / by Alex Peace

So you decided you want to start stretching your ears. I am sure you have a lot of questions about how to stretch your ears. What ear gauge should you stretch to? What ear gauge do you start at? What should you use to start stretching your ears?
Two Feather Plugs wants you to stretch your ears in a safe manner. If you have decided to stretch your ears the number one thing to remember is to STRETCH YOUR EARS SLOWLY. Never be in a rush to stretch your ears. We always recommend to see a professional to help stretch your ears. Below is a list of topics we cover in this blog.
Is it "Stretch your Ears" or "Gauge your Ears"
One of the first things to learn is you can use either term. Gauge your ears is extremely popular in today's world terminology. However there are people out there that will want to correct you and tell you not to use the term "Gauge your Ears" and technically they are correct. The word gauge is a unit of measurement. So when you say gauge you are saying something like inch or millimeter. The correct terminology is "Stretch your Ears." But honestly if you use "Gauge your Ears" people will know what you are talking about.
What Ear Gauge Should I Start At?
Most people who want to start stretching their ears already have an established pierced ear. The gauge for a typical standard pierced ear is either a 20 gauge or a 18 gauge. These are typical gauges for a piercing gun. Some piercings are done at a 16 gauge or even a 14 gauge when done by a professional. Remember when using the method of gauging it is important to remember that the large the size the smaller the number. When talking about piercing and/or ear stretching 20 gauge is usually the smallest increment of measurement and 00 gauge is usually the largest.
We find the majority of customers start stretching their ears at 14 gauge and some start at 16 gauge. It really does depend on when you originally pierced your ears and at what gauge you pierced your ears at.
Always know your size in millimeter
We always recommend knowing the size of your plugs in millimeter. It will help insure you purchase the proper size plugs no matter where you purchase them. This is a great thing to know when you are first starting off. For more information on this topic click Ear Gauge Size Chart
Here are some of our more popular plugs and tunnels
What are the gauge sizes I can stretch my ear to?
The answer to the gauge size for your ear will vary depending on the individual. If you are looking to go to as large as a size as possible the key is to TAKE IT SLOW and never skip sizes. Most people have a goal size of 6 gauge, 0 gauge, or 00 gauge. This also seems to change once they hit their goal and they eventually want to increase their size.
One of the main questions asked is "What size can you stretch your ear to that will heal back down to a regular sized if you change your mind." The average person can stretch their ears between 6 gauge and 00 gauge range and it will close back down to a regular sized piercing. The range will also vary depending on the individual. To learn more click Stretching your ears - The point of no return

What Plugs should I use to stretch my ears
We always recommend to go see a professional to help stretch your ears when you first start off. They will be able to recommend the best pair of plugs to work with your ears. We typically recommend stretching with stainless steel. It is the best material to stretch with. It is one of the cleanest and non-porous of materials.
Do not stretch with organic material. Material like wood, horn, and bone are a GREAT look for your stretched ears, but you want to make sure your ears are fully healed after your stretch. Organic materials are porous so they typically will cling on to bacteria and/or dirt. If your stretched ears are not healed this can lead to an infection in your ears. Other materials not to stretch with are acrylic and silicone.
We recommend using single flare plugs when starting off your ear stretching journey. If you are not familiar with this term click here for more information Double flare versus Single Flare Plugs
How should I care for my Stretched Ears?
Your stretched ears will need loving tender care while you stretch to the next gauge size. It is important to start taking care of your ears at the beginning of your stretching journey. This will insure that when you get to the larger gauge sizes that your ears are healthy, not thinning, and less likely to have a blowout.
Take it SLOW while you stretch your ears. If your ears are rushed you will pay for it in either pain or losing the ability to stretch at a later time. Always massage your ears. This helps break down scar tissue that may be forming. Also use jojoba oil to keep your stretched ears healthy and clean. For more information on the proper care of your stretched ears click here How to take care of your stretched ears after stretching