Do you ever feel judged for having stretched ear?

I used to feel this but eventually got over it.  No need to hear my story we want to hear yours.

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I live in a small, southern town, so all of my alternative piercings get judgement. I’ve just learned that if someone is judging me, they’ve got some form of insecurity going on and judging my appearance makes them feel better, so judge away!


I have always gotten some judgement bc I wear hearing aids. Someone is always going to have an opinion. And I may have used to be judged.. but seriously these earings I wear now bring only flattering judgments 😍😉


Not really. I was recently in nursing school and if we had stretched ears we were supposed to wear fleshtone plugs during clinicals and at a few of my retail jobs bosses have said I shouldn’t wear them to work but then not cared/reacted at all that I always have. My dad hates them though, lol!

Kris K

Sometimes I feel judged. But I also feel as if stretched ears are becoming more accepted


I have never felt judged by anyone… but my dad. But he disapproves of all my piercings :P


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