If you were to give advice to someone just starting to stretch their ears, what would it be

I wish I had advice from others when I first started stretching my ears.  Here is the chance for you to give others some advice.
If you were to give advice to someone just starting to stretch their ears, what would it be?

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Go slow! Rushing never works out well.


Be patient. Go slow. Don’t do more than your body can handle. Dont forget to clean & moisturize/ lubricate. Makes a whole world of difference


go slowly, clean your plugs often and don’t keep tapers in. there are ways to do it that are much easier/safer; stretch with glass/titanium, use ear stretching lube, don’t skip sizes.

if you don’t already have pierced ears, don’t do it with a piercing gun, goto a real piercer, it really sets you up for better success.


Don’t stretch with acrylic material. It’s not body safe and you can’t sanitize it properly. It’s tempting to use because it’s cheap and many cool designs are available, but use something body safe and don’t risk infection.


Go slow and moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!

Kristen M

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