If you were to give advice to someone just starting to stretch their ears, what would it be

I wish I had advice from others when I first started stretching my ears.  Here is the chance for you to give others some advice.
If you were to give advice to someone just starting to stretch their ears, what would it be?

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I always tell people to keep it slow, invest in a small bottle of emu oil, or jojoba (make sure it’s 100%) if you’re vegan. Massage daily a little goes a long way. Vitamin e oil can also be used as a cheaper alternative.

Down size regularly to avoid micro tears and for happy healthy ears especially when going to larger sizes.
Do not use silicone, or wood, and avoid acrylic during stretching / healing process.

This is an investment, and wouldn’t you rather make the results worth it?
Glass plugs are a good idea for stretchers who are impatient vs tapers which give you the risk of blowouts, they also can vary a few mms and can help you reach your goal faster while keeping your ears healthy.

Take your time, they’ll get there. The finish line is worth it, and please listen to your piercers! If you find their advice not sitting well consult another piercer for their opinion.

And again, please stop using silicone to stretch.


Don’t rush the process! Your ears will stretch when they are ready, and if it hurts too much then stop and let them heal before moving up a size. Microtears can cause some bad swelling, which is what happened to me when I sized up. Always clean your ears and play with them to help them stretch more! A hot shower works great for stretching as well!


slow and steady, the more time you give them to heal the more successful you’ll be


Go slow. We all say that because if you go too fast, your skin may tear, it could scar (which doesn’t stretch), and could cause an unsightly blowout. You’ll know when you’re ready to size up when your current jewelry feels loose in there. Take care of your skin.


Be sure this is something that you really want to do. Once you reach a certain size, your ears will never be/look the same and won’t shrink enough to look “normal”

Christopher Kembel

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