What is your advice on how to keep your stretched ears from getting infected?

Make sure you take your time and do things correctly while stretching your ears.  Please let us know your best advice on how you kept your ears from getting infected while stretching your ears.

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First don’t go up sizes too quickly or you’ll get a blow out and those are never fun. A lot of places sell solutions specifically to help avoid infection but I actually use saline solution and triple antibiotic. I use the triple antibiotic to line up my new size and help it slide into the lobe.

Alicia Hernandez

In my most recent stretch from a 2g to a 0g, I used coconut oil. I prefer this as he lube especially due to the antimicrobial properties in coconut oil. Many soaps and especially alcohol will irritate and dry out the skin.

Stephanie Johnson

Please keep your ears clean! Don’t let your jewelry sit in your ears for days and days. Take them out, wash your lobes AMD give them time to dry and get air.


Yea, don’t switch sizes too fast and they won’t tear in the first place. I had literally no tearing through all my sizes. I waited at least a month between stretches.

Alecia Jones

If your ears are fully healed and you still want to keep then from getting infected I suggest everytime you take a shower take out your gauges MacLean them with nonscented soap weather it be hand soap or body soap clean then everytime. Sometimes if my ears start to smell and get gunked up I rub my lobes with apple cider vinegar then rinse my ears with warm water. Works like a charm. And never forget to clean your gauges and sometimes sleeping without gauges in helps give them air.


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