What is your advice on how to keep your stretched ears from getting infected?

Make sure you take your time and do things correctly while stretching your ears.  Please let us know your best advice on how you kept your ears from getting infected while stretching your ears.

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If you get an infection, take your gauge out and downsize. I know everything you read says to not take your gauge out, but it needs to be able to breath and break, (if that makes sense). Make sure to clean it daily a few times and be patient it will heal.


Be patient and stretch slow your ears need time to heal and if they do happen to get infected take care of them use vitamin E oil jobjoba oil And make sure to clean your plugs every day


Be patient and stretch slow your ears need time to heal and if they do happen to get infected take care of them use vitamin E oil jobjoba oil And make sure to clean your plugs every day


Clean the jewelry thoroughly before inserting. Make sure your ear lobes are fully healed before stretching up. Once the new jewelry is in, leave it alone. Clean your pillowcase before stretching. After your lobe has healed a bit, start cleaning gently with gentle soap in the shower. Make sure to dry completely. Don’t go swimming or submerge until completely healed. If infection does happen, do warm sea salt soaks every day 1-3 times. Make sure to use recommended lubrication with stretching to minimize the risk of tearing, which would increase the risk of infection. Don’t let the lobe get too dry.


Go slow, don’t try and stretch to fast! And make sure your plugs or stretchers are clean as well as clean your ears.

Christine Barrett

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