Do you prefer plugs, hangers, tunnels, tapers, or weights?

Do you prefer plugs, hangers, tunnels, tapers, or weights?

Some people like plugs and some enjoy hangers.  A lot of people love them all.  Which type is your favorite and why?
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Plugs, tunnels, and hangers. Sometimes my hangers get caught in my hair so i usually wear them when my hair is tied back, but I love them because they are so beautiful. Plugs and tunnels are just more practical most of the time.


I prefer tunnels because they are light weight. I also enjoy wood plugs as they are less likely to irritate my lobes.


I like tunnels the most. I really enjoy putting in metal tunnels and then shoving thick metal hoops through them. Not only does that add the weight but I like the jingling noise. lol Its just really fun and I enjoy how it looks.

Cody Mekale

I wear silicone tunnels, glass and stone plugs because those are the only materials that dont stress my ears. I have a pair of wooden tunnels ill wear to a special occasion but i have to take them right back out when i get home. I am on the lookout for some dangly more earring-esque plugs for work so people dont ask so many questions but theyre all some kind of metal or material my ears dont like );

Kelsey shaw

I wear silicone tunnels, glass and stone plugs because thise are the only materials that dont stress my ears. I jave a pair of wooden tunnels ill wear to a special occasion but i have to take them right back out when i get home. I am on the lookout for some dangly more earring-esque plugs for work so people dont ask so many questions but theyre all some kind of metal or material my ears dont like );

Kelsey shaw

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