Do you prefer plugs, hangers, tunnels, tapers, or weights?

Do you prefer plugs, hangers, tunnels, tapers, or weights?

Some people like plugs and some enjoy hangers.  A lot of people love them all.  Which type is your favorite and why?
Please comment below. 
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I wear both, plugs and hangers. I’m lucky enough to have large enough lobes, my first and second(s) are both stretched . My first at 44mm and my seconds at 1/2”. So I wear a tunnel in the first and hanger in the second. However, I ripped my seconds on my left lobe..I wanted to die, lol. Not because of the jewelry being heavy at all, I forced some jewelry in and my ear hated me since! I miss it so much! I sewn it up maybe I’ll try😊again later, but I continue to wear both in my right. Idc, 😁


I love my tunnels! They are low maintenance and I honestly like the attention they draw!


I’ve recently been getting into weights 💞


I love plugs and hanger they are the most comfortable in my opinion

Sierra Kunsman

I love plugs and hanger they are the most comfortable in my opinion

Sierra Kunsman

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