I personally have not let my ears close. So I do not know the answer. I always tell people 00g is a safe bet, but we want to hear what you have heard is the "point of no return?"
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I personally have not let my ears close. So I do not know the answer. I always tell people 00g is a safe bet, but we want to hear what you have heard is the "point of no return?"
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My lobes were almost 2in, i got a thin spot on one side so i left them out after that. Im not even sure i could get a 5/8ths in now
It was 00g for me. My ears are about a 4g now.
Between 0 and 00
Keeping them kind of ‘normal" was my goal when I started stretching, so I stopped at 00 g. But now I want to go bigger, because the best plugs are bigger! (And the best- or at least most comfy- hangers are smaller. Especially if they’re steel or other heavy material)
I am happy though, that I can forget to put in my plugs and my lobes aren’t flappy! Lol
I had mine a bit above double 00 and now they’re a four. Which actually allows me to earrings still!