My ears will not stretch any further.
July 29, 2022 / by Alex Peace
Have your stretched ears gotten to a point where they just will not stretch any further? Are your gauge ears stuck and you have been trying to get to the next gauge size for months or even years?
There are a few different reasons why your ears might not be able to stretch to the next gauge ear size. It comes down to the individual. Some of the factors that come into play are

How were your ears initially pierced?
The initial piercing of your gauge ears will have a factor in how your ears will stretch. If your first piercing was not done directly in the center of your ear lobe it can cause your ear to thin on one side of the lobe. The larger you go, you will eventually just run out of room. If your ears stretch too thin on one side they will eventually rip.
Were your ears stretched by a professional? Often times people were pierced by a piercing gun or even worst a nail. Make sure you use someone who has years of piercing experience, not a teenager in the mall or your best friend. If someone uses a piercing gun scar tissue can form. This scar tissue can cause issues in stretching your ears.
What gauge size are your ears stuck at?
The ear gauge size will be a factor in how long you need to wait between ear stretching. The smaller gauges will stretch quicker than the larger gauges. So if your ear stretch from 5 gauge to 4 gauge lasted 7 weeks and you are now stuck at 00 gauge at 7 weeks it might be that you just have to wait longer.
How long have you been stretching your current size?
The length of time between your stretches is a big factor in if your ear will be able to continue to stretch. If you initially stretch your ears too quickly your gauge ears may not have even healed properly from the previous stretch. Your stretched ears may be talking to you begging you to stop stretching and back off. Let them heal. If you continue to rush the stretch your stretched ears will take over and stop stretching or experience a blowout. So SLOW DOWN.
The average length between gauge stretches for ears is between 6-8 weeks. However, there are a lot of factors that will make the length of time longer or shorter. For more information please click How long should I wait between each ear stretch?
If you have been stuck for years at a size there might be other factors like a blowout or you might need a little nudge with a heavier plug or an ear weight.
Did you have an injury or a blowout throughout your ear stretching journey?
If you had a previous blowout during your ear stretching process you may have developed scar tissue. Scar tissue will interfere with stretching your ears. But fear not. You can still continue to stretch your ears. It just might be a little more stubborn than if you did not experience a blowout.
If your stretched ears have scar tissue you will need to massage your ears with a natural oil like Jojoba or Vitamin E. Massaging your ears will help break down the scar tissue which in return will help with the elasticity of your ears.
Of course, if you have a different injury to your ear this is probably an issue on why your ears are not stretching further. This will depend on the severity of your injury.
We asked our customers "What was the gauge size where your ears get stuck and just would not stretch any further?"
Kevin My stretched ears are halfway between 5/8 inch and 3/4 inch. I had a blowout at 5/8" trying to go to 3/4 inch. I put the 5/8 in to heal and they just kept falling out. I've only used the tape method since after 00. Trying for an inch but I'm not sure if I'll get there without damaging my tissue too much.
McKenzie Mine stopped at 00 gauge. I didn’t really feel like risking it passed there. I tried once and blew them out.
2 gauge - I have to stretch my ears quickly because if my ears aren't stretched again right away it's not happening. Even waiting 2 weeks can be an issue. I'm happy being at the gauge size I am now.
Jessi My stretched ears are at 5/8 inch and I tried going up to 3/4 but my ears just don’t wanna
Dylan My stretched ears ripped when I tried to go to an inch. I backed down to 5/8 but I think I'm going to try weights instead at least one more time trying to get to the size I want...
Emily I’m at 25mm(1inch)…I could go bigger but my lobes are on the thinner side and I wouldn’t want to risk any issues. I have healthy, properly stretched ears that have never suffered a blowout and I don’t want any issues. I’m cool at my 1inch!!
Jessica My stretched gauge ears are stuck at a 2 gauge. They have been here for over a year. I've tried just about everything within budget, I would ideally like to land at a 00g.
Shy Ann
Now! I’m in a 2 and trying to get to 00 and they won’t BUDGE
Jairra I feel like my stretched ears are stuck at a 0 gauge. I May need an in-between size to get to a 00g