Have you ever had any issues stretching your ears?

We know stretching your ears do not always go perfectly.  Please share your story on what went wrong so others do not do the same.
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I never had any issues. My ears practically stretched themselves once I got past 00.


I had an issue when I got to size six. It swelled really bad and got hot and red, but it was just because I was trying to stretch them too fast.


I have never had issues with gauging my ears. I personally cannot wear cheap earrings without getting an allergic reaction. So gauging my ears was the best thing


I have had several problems with my ears.. I have a problem with blow outs a lot of the time.. I only move up half sizes at a time and have been stuck at the same size for a year because every time I move up a half size I blow out..


I recently got up to a zero and my daughter ripped them out.


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