Have you ever had any issues stretching your ears?

We know stretching your ears do not always go perfectly.  Please share your story on what went wrong so others do not do the same.
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I’m having issues stretching my ears now. Im at 12mm.. but I cant seem to jump to 14mm. I’ve used ear butter, but it didnt help. I think I might try tape next. Any suggestions would be awesome, Thanks :)


When I first started stretching, my ears were so sensitive and I had one really bad blow out.. But once I stretched up a few more sizes, my ears got used to the stretching and now I have no issues!


I tried to skip 2 gauge & go straight to zero & my ears handled it so badly I couldn’t stretch for almost a year


I had a blow out on my right ear , which left a huge keloid hate it so much :(


I have had issues not JUST stretching my ears, but keeping them pierced in order to stretch them! I have had my lobes pierced twelve times now, and the only time I’ve successfully kept them pierced without irritation is when I got them healed enough to start stretching! I’m thinking the metal just bothered my ears from the earrings. Can’t wait to stretch again!


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