Why did you want to stretch your ears?

why did you want to stretch your ears
There was a point where we all made the decision.  We would love to hear your story on why you first wanted to stretch your ears.
Please comment below. 
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I actually always had problems with my standard piercings, and I was starting my “self discovery” journey. After getting another piercing, I decided something was missing, so I decided to start stretching. My ear piercings were no longer sore and itchy, and it’s been a part of my journey.

Bry Anna

I would love to stretch my ears in order to hear much further than I do presently. How helpful and convenient it would be.

Jerry Marquardt

I wanted to start stretching because I could never find “my style” of jewelry in the standard piercing size.


I had always been fascinated by boy mods and the freedom of expression they stood for. So it was only a matter of time before I picked a mod for myself. Stretched ears was my first!


I wanted to stretch my ears cause I thought I’d look good with them and thought that they’d have really cool designs. ☺


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